This work is licensed under the CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION-NONCOMMERCIAL 3.0 License, meaning that you are free to re-distribute and tweak this work without my permission AS LONG AS IT IS FOR NON COMMERCIAL PURPOSES AND YOU CREDIT ME IN SOME WAY SHAPE OR FORM. In the event that you would like to use any of the comics (or derivatives of said comics) for commercial purposes you MUST contact me at my email which can be found on the "Contact" Page. I'm actually far more easy going then this legal talk implies so I'm sure we can work something out.

This work does occasionally reference works of popular culture which are held under copyrights that I do not own. I believe this falls under fair use. If you are a copyright holder, and if you believe your work is being used unfairly, contact me at my email which can be found on the "Contact" page, and we can talk it out.

Now that we've got that boring stuff out of the way, how bout you hit that home page and read some comics then why don't you?
Comic Rank